Welcome to the Newest chapter in Nevada Christian Institute's history. We’re pioneering a new academic landscape where the Bible intersects with the world of human discovery. It’s a place where students tap their talents in every area, explore God’s creation through multiple lenses, forge ties with the greater community and develop the character traits they need to serve Jesus in any career they choose.
When you’re part of the Nevada Christian family you're a part of something bigger.
Our commitment to the Bible is more than our legacy. It’s the foundation of an educational experience that’s innovative, empowering and relevant. At Nevada Christian Institute , the study of God’s Word collides and collaborates with the exploration of the arts and sciences, providing clarity to life’s most important questions. And amazing things happen in this one-of-a-kind learning environment.
Entrepreneurs share their dreams with aspiring pastors. Psychology majors discuss emerging trends with future educators. Historians examine ancient manuscripts with global justice activists. And everyone is free to seek God’s truth as they explore various disciplines. This creates an atmosphere where ideas flow freely in the midst of healthy tension – and this leads to mutual respect and spiritual transformation.
A career in ministry used to mean being a teacher, preacher or missionary. We’ve done away with that definition. Our students come to campus with diverse interests, and the last thing we want to do is limit their professional development. We believe every career can be ministry if its focus is to serve Jesus, because every career is a sacred opportunity.
As we continue expanding our academic offerings, we’ll maintain our focus on providing an exceptional learning environment. That’s the best way to help students excel in their chosen field. And as we infuse the wisdom of the Bible into each and every discipline, we’ll never lose our passion for the Word. That’s the best way to inspire students to pursue a career that connects them to God’s story.
Our commitment to the broader community extends well beyond traditional forms of service and outreach. Our students are hosting forums on critical issues. They’re building bridges with people from all walks of life.
We also encourage our students to cast a vision that encompasses the world. Whether they’re providing comfort to orphans in southern India, lending their energy to a cultural development project in Africa or partnering with nonprofits closer to home, they’re instilling hope and restoring lives. That’s how we define leadership.